Mars Colony Frontier > Have your say on the new version

Player built base

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Finally got the code working for allowing players to build a base. We are using a Dialog top down view of the layout. Player picks a unit type and places it in the grid. The code also checks for player bank and subtracts the values so the economy is involved.
There are 4 build sites, players have to "claim" a site and create their base however they want.
We are currently working on defining all the modules and all the configurations. You buy a life support module and all the equipment comes with and ready to fire up.
Only engineering issue is transporting that info real time to the clients but success at last on that part.

Will the 4 build sites be in separate maps/instances, or are they on a single map/instance due to the map being much larger?

How will directions/facings of base modules be handled?
Will there be a 'rotate' option? Or would base modules be modular and have multiple points where things like doors, window, airlocks, large equipment, etc, could be placed?

Will there be options for private/single player games/maps?

The map has 4 build sites. The center of the map will be Ares Base.
At this point the rotation is on the cardinal points N,S,E,W The hubs are 4 say and the modules can be added EW or NS. We didn't see the need to allow angles off the core directions but you can attach things any way you want. You have 160 sq meters for a build site so the base can grow any direction to fill that space. We tested it a few times and that is plenty of room.
As soon as we can get the core of the game running we can have a closed alpha test.

 I cant wait to see how the modular base works its something i was always looking forward to in a new version after hearing some of the ideas you had for it even tho you didn't have time to implement it in version 1.

 There a chance of some sneak peeks of some base construction screen shots in the future?

  Finally found the address for the forum again worst part of having your pc blow up >.< . Hope i can get in on this round of game testing i wasn't much help last round with pc issues and RL making me miss test dates but new pc and more spare time now so if ya need a hand id like to help out.

IMO instant spawn of buildings won't be nice...
As 4 myself I'd like 2 see building in few steps...
Delivering of materials (refined on base or bought)...
Placing foundation and materials on building site...
Some welding, connecting and installing of concrete (or other) panels...
Installing doors, windows, airlocks, connecting 2 power sources and installing cameras + other kind of sensors...
And then installing inner equipment depending on type of room/building...

My point is - instant spawn of few tons of materials instantly composed into building is not nice 4 realistic simulator...
I know it was similar way in MCC1 (building sites for room required in next mission)...
But in 2nd MCC I'd like 2 personally or with robotized help build some structures and components and devices...
Have I mentioned a variety of grades/quality of created stuff depending on skill and minigame success?.. :)


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