SOF Raiders > Raiders Game Status

Status on Raiders


Many changes since the release of 1.0 .... New engine, new format.
Version ALPHA 0.3 is being worked on. I expect to have a beta summer 2018....

I hope there's will be something unique, like military robots control or non-lethal weapons. Tech things.

We plan on making the replay a focus. After Splinter Cell the linearity of the game was depressing. We want the game to be different each time you play it. Solve the puzzle, kill the bad guys etc.

Ah, much live AI with less predictability! Like little of random in decisions, where to walk in non-fixed waypoints, gonna check a sound alone or call to others, check for open doors and switched off lights, looks for misplaced peoples and stuff...
That things I was need in old Thief stealth-actions.

Alpha 0.7 is in Test phase
We have 15 total missions and the game will randomly select 8 for each run.
Lots of changes and updates have been added.


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