Mars Challenger V1.0 > MCO Early Discussions

Ranks in the colony

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So here is a question for everyone. How will we rank or name the rank of colonists?



A new person logs in for the first time and need to learn what to do and if we have a management system in place we can give them access to more things but how do we want to structure the heirachy in the colony?

Difficult one that is to answer..

Probally military rank is the most recognisable, Nasa 'ranks' would work and be more in line with the sim (Mission commander, 'flight/mission surgeon' , co-commander etc)..

How about if the option was given to mission commanders to either enable roles or allow everyone to do as they wish (would allow for serious planned missions, or 'open server')..
It may be the case that players would want to join and do there own thing, or players would like to start as rookie and build up there experiance to do other specific jobs..
It could be problematic to have 10 rookies running about, being frustrated cause they cant (not allowed) to use a rover etc, when the mission commander is offline, also in the same context you wouldnt want rookies running amok with rovers etc..

I say mission-commander can either allocate jobs(roles) to people they wish or players can join and 'rank up' (say by taking tasks/missions from hab PC ie 'grow 6 plants or collect 10kg ore etc') to allow them selves freedom of useage of gear etc..

I would think NASA / Military ranking would be best fit. I also like the idea of having the option of ranks, but id rather have ranks than no ranks.

One of the methods I thought of to make sure the noobs dont mess up too bad is to check who all is on and make the temporary command fall to the highest ranking member online at the time. So if a higher rank logged on then they would assume some command duties. That would give points to who ever is in command towars promotions. Promotions would be a combination of time in game, jobs accomplished, command time.

NASA / Military style seems to be best IMHO so I think I will go with that.

@Hyper, that sounds like a solid solution to me!


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