Mars Challenger V1.0 > MCO Early Discussions

Anyone still play the mars colony Demo?

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I'm trying to play Mars colony online, but I can't find any active server.  I've completed the first mission, and i'm starting on the second one.  I like the mars colony demo a lot, but i want to play with other people, but i can't find any active server.

The game's still in development, if you'd like to join us with the testing send Hyper a PM with a username and password.
The server is up over the weekend. :)

welcome lee937, no one else is playing the demo right now. that's why you cant find any other (people's) servers\games. has anyone joined yours while playing the demo ?

MCO isn't ready yet.
You'r propably talking about "Mars Colony - Demo" and not "Mars Colony Online".

MCO test server is on-line usualy on weekends.
New test = new (better!) game version needed to download.
That's why keep an eye out on this board:
Post Hyper your desired name and password if you wish to test with us. Otherwise, you won't be able to join in.
Basicly - you play the game with us, and if you find some bug's/glitches, you post them onto forum so that they may be repaired.

If you just play the demo, you propably won't find many peeple to join you at random. You would be better to find them on-line first. If yo have STEAM, you can join and play with Mars Colony fanclub.

At any rate: MCO is better than the Demo. It's bigger, more complex, more ppl can play, it has new equipement, outposts, dangers etc..
Ther's even an Easter Egg there....the oryginal Mars-base from Demo near the left edge of the map :-)

for lee937 and anyothers asking about joining\hosting demo version, i usually play the demo alote and use the same name ingame as on the forum here, so if you see my game join in ;)

i have tested  the portforwarding, you will be able to join, just remember to read the box and retry in a bit so i can enter name ;)

i really do wish they would remember to change the default name before trying to join, "change_me" wont show up lol


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