Mars Challenger V1.0 > MCO Early Discussions

Mars Cycler - Idea


Mars Cycler

A "Cycler" is a type of a spaceship that regulary flyes between two bodies (like planets) using there gravity as a means of propulsion.
As a result - they use none fuel to travel between those bodies...and they do it indefinitely.
Once put in motion a Mars-Cycler can transfer hundreds of tons of materials to-and-from Earth/Mars every cycle. 
In order to maintain a constant flows of materials (and crew!) we need two mars-cyclers that will make the trip (one flyes TO the Mars, and the 2nd one goes FROM it to Earth).

A "Taxi" is a type of a spaceship that recovers/sends to the cycler the materials/crew while it's nearest to the planet.

A "Semi-Cycler" is a type of a spaceship that uses grawity assists just like a normal cycler, but with the difference that it can stop at the planet for a period of time. It uses some fuel to do that manouver, but you don't need a "Taxi", plus you have more time to transfer materials/crew. As a negative aspect: it travels longer than a normal cycler, and you would need at least 3 of those for a regular activity.

This would make a great aspect for the simulation. You wait for a cycler to pass-by for some missions and equipement, as well as to sent it resources. On the other hand - it creates a backstory on how wide-mars colonization started.

<Animation on how the Mars Cycler works>


I can see another sim in the Mars series here! Mars Cycler, survive on the ships for the Mars missions!

Perhaps use for future missions as heavy lifting?

Still, I like the idea of a starship life simulator. Manage the ship while doing some astro-charting along the way.

Mr.Mann (NayrCaasi):
Cool idea Trent, sounds like something I'd try to make :P


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