Mars One > First manned mission to Mars

Release 0.32

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Game is live go to my web and click on the same button for download, make sure you see 0.32 at the top of the window.
Bug in 0.31 the time of day clock didn't work in first mission.

I haven't even played 5 minutes and I've already broken the airlock. :P What I did was go inside the airlock, close the door, then tried quickly pushing the buttons for both doors. Both doors get open. I can't close either of them. There is no atmosphere in my base now, so taking my suit off causes me to suffocate.
Fixed in 0.33

Fortunately the game resets every time I exit, so its fixed when I start playing again. Unfortunately, the game seems to reset every time I exit so I guess I will have to play it all in one go.

Never mind. The game remembers my progress now. I don't know what happened. Maybe I did stuff other than break the airlock.

The doors reset when I exit and then enter the game. The atmosphere of the base resets as well. Its like it was never gone.
That is a rare instance and logout/login will reset it. I will have a look at making that not happen

On one hand, I would like the game to remember the status of each door, and the fact my base has no air. On the other hand, this stuff should never happen.
I reset the doors each time because I have to edit the game and if I save it with door open they swing the wrong way. I will have it save state at release.

The doors handle seem to only spin one way. I would think that the door handle should spin one way to open, and then spin the other way when to close and seal itself.
Will look at that. Been working on gameplay tune right now.
UPDATE fixed in 0.33

The elevator seems to be a teleporter. I push the button to go down, then the game teleports me to the lower level elevator room. Its hard to notice, but I have noticed it in previous versions. I would like a real elevator if its not too much work. If not, I can live with how it currently works.
I would like this as well and should have it worked out by release. Moving platforms is a pain to keep body mounted properly

I've encountered a few new problems.

When I try to get to get out of the seat of the first habitat module, sometimes I fall through the floor. Fortunately, I don't get hurt or anything.
If you only do this once it seems to work ok. Getup and sit and getup a second time yes you fall through, working on that one

I also seem to be unable to sit in the rear seat. The game always puts me in the front one whenever I try to get in the rear one.
The pilot seat was a one time only use, no real reason to sit there again. I can make it so both can be used as I plan on making it 2 player across the net later on. So it will be addressed but for now gameplay is my concentration.

The weather resets whenever I log out of the game. Whenever a pressure drop happens, I can just exit the game and reenter, then I can go back to what I was doing before.
Fixed in v 0.33

I brought a GPR into my base, then I put it down and now I can't pick it back up. I've tested this with my other equipment and I can't pick them up either. Drill, light, water pump, and transmitter are all stuck in my base.
Fixed in V 0.33

While the computer can tell you the status of many things, it does not report accurate information on the algae tanks. It keeps saying the same stats.
Fixed in 0.33

I leave foot prints on the inside of my habitat. I don't think it should be doing that. There is no sand or dirt in there for footprints to be left behind in.
Fixed in 0.33

I had a weird incident with my water can. I filled the water can up to full. I went inside my habitat to fill my water tank. It went from 9.6 to 14.6. When I closed it and opened it again, it said that it was 10.0. The can said it was still 5.00, so I went to go fill my separator. It told me that the water can was empty, so I went to fill her up. The water pump told me that my water can was full. I decided to put the can down, then I exited the game and came back in. I hoped that exiting the game would reset something. The water pump told me that it was full, so I went back to the water separator. I was able to fill it with the separator with water. So it all worked out in the end, but it might be something worth looking into.
The water tank is filled from the separator. You would want the water to be filtered or processed before drinking. I will look into not allowing direct from ground to drink tank...

I had to turn my temperature up several times. Every so often, the target temperature is reduced. I don't know why this is.
Check the Battery level in the Hab unit. If the battery gets below a certain level it tries to shut down systems including the thermometer. If this is not the case, let me know

When you pick up dirt or soil samples and drop them, they becoming non removable invisible items of inventory.
That invisible samples reappear after reloading.


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