Author Topic: New rover up-grades  (Read 2949 times)

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New rover up-grades
« on: October 02, 2010, 01:45:23 PM »
I propose to add some new features for the Hercules Rover.

1) Brakes. When activated, rover won't fall on it's own unless the hill is at very high angle.
2) Seatbelts - when connected they prevent the player from beying hurt badly when the ride is rough.
3) High/Low Gear. High gear is slow but enables you to climb on high angles and rover receivs less damage while riding too fast on rough road. Low gear is twice as fast but you should use it only on flat smooth path.

Those 3 ideas are beying used on America's Army game on Humvee vehicle.
Seatbelts are connected/disconnected simply by walking inside HMMWV and pressing [K] button. If buckled-up the player is safer, and the icon on the lower right is changed. To leave the HMMWV, you must disconnect the seatbelts first.

You can see what I mean by wathing America's Army gameplay with HMMWV:

You could also see here that a player can see whats behind him by pressing [Q] and [E] buttons. Thats also usefoul.

There are also 5 more ideas for the rover I would like to present.
1) Dirty front windshield after/during dust storm. It's a nice Idea actually - whenever a dust storm comes the front glass of the rover changes it's texture from normal to dirty from dust:
2) Battery - each rover has it's own battery that stores electrical power. That power can be used to operate lot's of it's equipement like lights. The battery can be easily recharged when the rover is in motion. Othervise - the rover lights can be ON infinitly, and they are even better than Portable lights.
3) Hub's terminal on passanger's seat. Simple as this --->
4) Comm. Tower inside the rover. The idea is simple. Rover acts like a Comm.Tower. It has a range of communication like it but it's mobile. As long as players stay close to the Rover which has a link with the nearest comm.tower, they should be fine. The rover could use some antena on top.
5) Oxygen and Power suplies on rover. Each rover would have some suplies of power and oxygen that player could use if he needed to. It's simply a matter of adding an EVA-recharge port on the outside of the rover. Those suplies are very limited, but nontheless - they are priceless in some cases. Player after getting back to base would need to recharge/refuel them.

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