Author Topic: Aquaponics – Collaboration of fish and plants - idea  (Read 34375 times)

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Re: Aquaponics – Collaboration of fish and plants - idea
« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2010, 06:07:29 PM »
Ther's a difference between science and fiction.
What your proposing is fiction.

Poland here. My time: GMT + 1h
Writing a book about Mars. Any ideas? Type to me.
I'am an Astrobiology/Biology student.


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Re: Aquaponics – Collaboration of fish and plants - idea
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2010, 10:40:38 PM »
Ther's a difference between science and fiction.
What your proposing is fiction.

Much of current science was science fiction at some time.

What i'm proposing is actually not that far fetched. We have all the pieces, but putting them together will take time. Moving genes from one organism to the other is not that hard, figuring out which genes to move and putting them in the right place so that they will work is the hard part. Currently, most genetically modified plants are a "normal" plant with a single gene added. In the future, those GM plants will have multiple added genes. Thats the only difference between what I am proposing and what has currently been done. As our gene libraries grow, so will the amount of interesting stuff we can get plants to do.

I'm saying that through a combination of chemical, mechanical, and biological treatment, we should eventually be able to make useful materials from martian regolith.

Sorry to get so off topic, but this is exciting stuff!


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Re: Aquaponics – Collaboration of fish and plants - idea
« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2010, 12:04:47 AM »
Ther's a difference between science and fiction.
What your proposing is fiction.

Much of current science was science fiction at some time.

What i'm proposing is actually not that far fetched. We have all the pieces, but putting them together will take time. Moving genes from one organism to the other is not that hard, figuring out which genes to move and putting them in the right place so that they will work is the hard part. Currently, most genetically modified plants are a "normal" plant with a single gene added. In the future, those GM plants will have multiple added genes. Thats the only difference between what I am proposing and what has currently been done. As our gene libraries grow, so will the amount of interesting stuff we can get plants to do.

I'm saying that through a combination of chemical, mechanical, and biological treatment, we should eventually be able to make useful materials from martian regolith.

Sorry to get so off topic, but this is exciting stuff!
Doing what you are talking about is and has been done for century's that is why we have so many varieties of fruits,flowers and much more. Also you are right science fiction is now science.
Murphy's Law applies "Anything that can possibly go wrong, does." or some say it this way "If anything can go wrong, it will.

Rutledge Kuhn

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Re: Aquaponics – Collaboration of fish and plants - idea
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2011, 07:25:41 PM »
The Aquaponics idea is cool.


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Re: Aquaponics – Collaboration of fish and plants - idea
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2011, 06:46:07 AM »
sorry when i said how many fictions are coming in true from the 1960th to 2011? much of them, so i think there will a way to use the mars dirt. the world planed a mission to mars - so they must protect and give the astronauts the stuff on the way that they can alive on mars for over 1,5 years before they can come back
so we had a simulation of what must the astronauts doing on mars to surfive, so we can check the stuff on researches and can change them a little for the simulation, a german young german college girl find a way to get the heavy and toxic elements out of water and sand, and this news are very old i think 10 years - i don t follow this science, so i can t say if they make it better now.

there will a way to do it and to protect the base - there a ways to make a outside small room to test and clean the martian dirt - so the base was not in danger to be wasted with the stuff from the martian dirt how was in work to get the stuff out. a + is that oxygen is aviable on mars atmosphere ( low but is there ) so it will be possible to handle that stuff.

I must ask you all once again why there is no moon or Mars base? because they are not commercially viable, everyone wants to see only money, so money money money.
why because the money is so great. I shit on money, if I could bring mankind into space. new worlds even if only for the time being here in the solar system. Simply tie the old one left battered earth. It is difficult in space. fatal error for each one makes, but people are there to solve problems. why is not the man on the aerospace? because he is curious and investigated the extreme that he is still only limited to earth, so the jump to the other patients of trotting solar system.
We have developed a global computer networking and also incredible, despite everything, if you look at reports, most nations still draw their own thing through space project. instead of working together to ensure the chances of a good mission is still the problem of eigos I am the best. nagut enough for now, I just wanted to say - there are so many techniques which are now before the ews 50 years was regarded as impossible. I think the problem can be solved, so you should not argue what works and what does not. in the monetary rule is usually the hook.
But let's move on to the 100 tons of chemicals for mars mars dekonaminieren to the rock. why not get it? because it costs money and again nciht productive, which transmit on the Mars test, the chemical can be found maybe a better possibility, is due to the monetary loss is not considered again. yes it is taking no risk.
thinks, wants to send you stranded astronauts to Mars just 6 - 6 to 18 months for people to live on Mars. only 6 people are probably less clear. But back to the problem - a permanent solution needs new directions. include more people (problem on the narrow space and the human social behavior to each other). what may be well known in real όbelst small groups.
I think the point in the Mars simulation may still contain something for future science and propulsion systems are now more advanced than before the year 2000.