Author Topic: Release 0.42  (Read 25328 times)

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Release 0.42
« on: February 10, 2020, 10:28:05 AM »

Changes to main computer info line up numbers to match objects
Update to drill power buttons
Changed separator actions
Balance values for various objects and events.

Been chasing a crash bug, will post update when it gets more stable
« Last Edit: February 19, 2020, 10:47:19 AM by Hyper »


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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2020, 05:34:58 AM »
What about some multiplay cooperative testing this time?
But I'm quite far away from USA, and have free time around 01 to 03 AM and 00 to 05 PM at EST.

I will be working on this in due time. I want to integrate this code with Mars Challenger which does have the code for multiplayer. Problem is 2 different engines with 2 different types of art... one mess at a time.

Uh, I dud mismath with old alpha with such option this time.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2020, 04:03:57 AM by Kugluck »

Gregorius Magnus

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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2020, 12:57:31 PM »
tks to admit me on the forum! i love your 3 colony games. Sorry for my poor english.

Glad to have you join! Have you got the Mars One alpha yet ?
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 04:34:42 PM by Hyper »

Gregorius Magnus

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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2020, 03:25:35 AM »
i have it (0.42 playable demo) and im plaing. i prefere this, it is more similar to challenger than frontier (i have the two games in my steam library) and prefere this way. In frontier there is less player freedom.
the game mechanics are realistic and "tecnical"...i like that.
I wanted this first demo game to be part of Challenger and that is what I ponder now. After you establish this colony then you proceed to make the hab and units that appear in challenger and have it 2 player.
just a question why u dont give the possibilty to store somewere the food made by algae (first pod food product)?
Yes I can do that. The first algae unit was a scientific test to see if it was possible to grow algae. Wasn't intended to be a food source after you establish a farm to grow real food. Algae would be important scientifically for plastics, meds etc so I didn't spend much time on the food angle
and second….only 4 slots for the rover is a bit...low capable. maybe will be better to put a weight llimit or cubic meter limit than a slot limit. but i don t know if it is tecnically possible.
Yes I can add 100 slots in there, kept it to 4 to force user to make decisions helps gamify the action. If you can carry everything in the rover there would be no need to worry about fuel, damage, player eva ... One long trip around the zone and the rover would have minimal use.
i play a lot of space colonization games...stationeers...kerbal….Osiris new dow...planet base...astroneer...take on mars.. BUT your game serie have one of the best realistic if u continue to develop it… (maybe some little grapic impruvement…just a bit) it will be really one of the best games that people loving colonization, will find on steam!
i hope u could understand what i wrote...and sorry for my poor english.
I apply effort for this game equal to people interested in playing it. Do you think people that play these other games would come here and try this one? I have about 10 loyal players and this is a major time sink for me to code. Can you get others to come have a look?
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 08:27:39 AM by Hyper »


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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2020, 09:36:14 AM »
Testing at last.

Some of small issues:
Very low downloading speed of demo archieve (180 mb in 3 hours).
This is probably not the site, I download it here in a couple min.
I mean, before it was fast everytime.

Still here: every work order in Mission console is actived from start, include Dirty PV panels, when they clean.
Farm equipment status already on console at first mission.
When you say Mission console do you mean the computer? Did you do a reset of game?
Will look at the other issues.

The computer was showing farm separator at start, fixed in 0.43  The work order window in computer title was changed to work order descriptions. The work orders that appear on the right side is the current orders.
Reseted, start anew. App files somewhere is not cleaned, yes.
Mission computer.

Some of surface soil samples marked as core samples (violet at 4;-4 with 0.00 % of elements).
But core sample from -16;-44 drill site (my first water well) isn't marked on map.
Core mark at -20;-44 is appeared normally.
After reload all is okay.

Not small issue:
External temperature is reversed (Phobos up -20, +8, Sun up -39).
Fixed 0.43

Repeatable jumping on the walk saving stamina by relaxing in the air.
But we are not on the Moon for such walk style...
Also, Alt+Space (dropdown menu in window mode) on the run-jumping will turn on autowalk with autojumping. Very convenience.
Fixed 0.43

Just suggestions:
Want to store algae food bars at food storage.
To drink water from inventory when potable water tank window is opened.
To open dropdown menu of inventory items by short left click (drag by long click).
To see message about game is saved succesfully.
To zoom map (at least, scale to fullscreen view).
What screen resolution are you using?
Window mode... 1280x720.

Raise food, water and oxygen consumption with low stamina status or by jumping.
Reduce growth rate of algae. Too much easy food.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2020, 02:21:46 PM by Kugluck »

Gregorius Magnus

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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2020, 12:25:19 PM »
tks for your reply. Ill talk to my friends about the game.


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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2020, 05:29:15 AM »
After removing appdata saves, reset and start anew first sample still becoming Core at 0;0 with zero minerals.
Work orders in computer is just descriptions for actual orders on HUD?

Another bug: after open GPR, if you open map, close and try to charge-activate GPR, you will got zero charges untill close-open the GPR. Pickup will create double ghost of GPR.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2020, 03:33:28 PM by Kugluck »


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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2020, 06:05:15 PM »
Hey Hyper, is there any chance you could add running and make the stamina time a little longer please? Thanks.
There is a point at which it becomes a non simulator, I am caught in between. If I add that then the 100 lbs of gear means nothing and stamina carrying a load in sub zero temp with little or no stamina loss is unreal. I can bump things some but not sure you will run far if I add that. So we have a sim or not. I can add laser guns and aliens .... so how much how far off course do I take it.
/ponder ..........
« Last Edit: March 30, 2020, 12:10:58 PM by Hyper »


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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2020, 09:15:12 AM »
Speed of walking is okay. We have rovers for speed.
What I hunger for is second hand to carryng. For holding two small tanks.
May need empty hand to use devices and buttons.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 06:17:23 PM by Kugluck »

Gregorius Magnus

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Re: Release 0.42
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2020, 08:52:49 AM »
i agree..second hand slot..will be useful..and realistic